The Build to Exit system is the result of my lessons and a roadmap of the things that I would do differently in order to shorten my 25 year journey.
Hi, I’m Mark Stecher!

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More than 80% of small businesses fail within the first five years and of the 20% that survive very few build any real value into their businesses.
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On the 5th of August 2017, the creator of the ‘Build to Exit System’, Mark Stecher will launch the first book in the system.
view all eventsMore than 80% of small businesses fail within the first five years and of the 20% that survive very few build any real value into their businesses.
It is at that point that most business owners give up, resulting in the high incidence of infant mortality of small business.

A Quick Peak Into The Chapters of Build to Exit!


Not only clear, sensible, informative and inspiring for people hoping to make their mark in the business world, Mark...
Dr Elizabeth Morrison
Author and editor

It’s an honour and a privilege to share a few words about both the book and the author, Mark...
Gary Schuller
CEO and Founder of The Business Marketplace.

“Build To Exit” is a great book with heart that anyone can relate to. Although the core message is...
Anna Liza V. Yu