2.4 Recurring revenue through Workshops

At this stage you have a product or solution that you are the expert in and the process and procedures to deliver it in an efficient and expert manner. This is very valuable intellectual property in your business and packaged in the right way it can be a valuable source of income. The first step is to create training materials for your own team and then for partners. Initially the workshops might be in person or face to face, however as you become more proficient you can start delivering them in the form of webinars. This means that you can reduce the price of the training and extend your reach and audience.
After becoming proficient in this you can create training materials and recorded webinars so that you can deliver over the internet.
Data and Communications technologies have made it very easy for us to deliver solutions and services over the internet and so we can almost instantly reach a global audience. As you develop the presentations and training materials they can be setup so that they can be automatically downloaded without your involvement. This is a great additional source of recurring revenue.
This chapter covers creating, packaging and setting the content up on a web portal.